Lubin, PL

+48 693-817-541

Supply Chain Support

Emil Juszczyk

For You

We support organizations in solving problems in the supply chain, mainly quality issues.

If you have an issue with your supplier or even client you are at a wright place.

Company founded by a quality engineer, specialist and a leader with over seventeen years of experience in the automotive industry, starting from working for the OEM (several years at VW Group) by working in organizations that provide components, the so-called Tier-n.

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SCS Automotive

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How can I help?


Do you need support with VDA topics or specific customer requirements?



I will support you or organize a training.


Resident engineering

Do you need support on the customer's premises in the automotive industry?



I will personally take care of your quality indicators and customer relations.

Supplier development


Do you want your suppliers to support the quality and take care of the value delivered to the customer?

Looking for new suppliers?


I will ensure supplier development at every stage of the product life cycle.